Dr. Dale Prokupek

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Achieving Your Weight Loss Goals

With January and February complete, many of my patients are still working towards achieving their New Year’s resolutions.  Often, this means a renewed focus on health and physical fitness, and particularly on losing weight. In addition to its aesthetic aspects, weight loss has so many positive benefits for health—decreased risk of chronic diseases, increased self-esteem, improved energy levels—but this resolution can certainly be challenging to accomplish.

First and foremost, it’s always a smart idea to meet with your healthcare provider prior to beginning any weight loss program.  I can help you to identify an appropriate target weight and physical activity level, and help you develop a personalized weight loss plan that complements your lifestyle.

Patients sometimes struggle to lose weight through diet and exercise alone.  If this sounds familiar, I may have some strategies that can help you meet or maintain your weight loss goals.  Orbera® is a comprehensive, managed weight loss system that has been shown to help patients lose more than three times the weight of diet and exercise alone.  I’m excited to now offer Orbera at my Beverly Hills office.

For most patients, Orbera is a year-long program.  We begin by placing a temporary gastric balloon in your stomach, which stays in place for about six months.  During these six months, you’ll learn portion control, retraining your brain to understand what it means to eat healthy.  The balloon placement is a simple, outpatient procedure that is done in-office.

After the balloon is removed (again, through a simple, in-office procedure), you’ll continue working through the Orbera program for an additional six months.  During this time, you’ll follow a specialized diet and exercise program, receive personalized support from my office, and further develop your healthy eating habits—making it far more likely that you’ll be able to maintain your weight loss.

CoolSculpting® is another in-office option that can help you achieve your weight loss goals.  Unlike Orbera, which focuses on overall weight loss, CoolSculpting targets fat in specific areas.  It’s great for contouring stubborn areas that may be resistant to diet and exercise, such as the chin, upper arms, or love handles.

Using a specialized applicator, the CoolSculpting system delivers targeted cooling to trouble areas, essentially freezing off the fat cells.  Over the next four to six months, your body will naturally flush out these fat cells, leaving a contoured, sculpted physique. CoolSculpting is a safe procedure with no downtime, so many patients even return to work after their appointment.

Because Orbera and CoolSculpting may not be right for every patient, you’ll need to schedule a consultation to ensure you achieve the best weight loss results.  You can contact my office at 310-360-6807 if you have any questions about these procedures, or to schedule a consultation.