We’re in THIS together.

What if there was a way to lose three times the weight of diet and exercise, while also learning healthy portion control.

The Orbera weight-loss system is a 12-month journey, and getting the most out of this system means having a team devoted to your success.

If Orbera is right for you, Dr. Prokupek and his team will help you use it to change your eating behaviors, and sustain that progress long after the balloon is removed.


Losing three times the weight of diet and exercise is not the only thing Orbera helps you do.

The real results happen when you understand it’s not a shortcut, but instead a tool for learning how to take control.

Why Orbera works

Because Six months Gives You Time to Reprogram

Because We Help You Change Your Habits

Because We Help You Learn to Listen to Your Body

How Orbera Works

A deflated balloon is inserted into your stomach and then it is filled to the size of a grapefruit. The entire process usually takes 20 minutes and most people go home hours later.

Before, I would eat until I was stuffed, but now I can tell the difference between being satisfied and being overly full.

Orbera is a tool for taking control of the way you eat.

Are you a candidate
for Orbera?

Only a physician can tell you whether or not Orbera is right for you, that’s why a consultation is so important.

But if you’ve tried diet and exercise without success, Orbera might be the tool for taking control of your eating behavior.


For Many Its The Last Thing They Try,
But The First Thing That Works

Schedule a free Orbera

Frequently Asked Questions

+ What is the Orbera System?

+ Does Orbera really work?

+ What does it feel like?

+ Will I need to take time off?

+ How much weight did you lose?

+ How does Orbera coach work?

+ Does Orbera require surgery?

+ What's life like after Orbera is out?

+ Is Orbera worth it?