Don’t let the past steal your present.

Hey everyone!

I hope you're having a great holiday!

As we continue the expansion of our cosmetic division, we'd like to put special focus on IPL Therapy.Although aging looks can rob you of your youthfulness and appeal, new technologies allow us to turn back the clock, revealing a more youthful look, today.  

What It Can Do For You
Intense Pulse Light (IPL) Therapy addresses various types of skin problems. Among these are skin redness, age spots, liver spots, wrinkles/fine lines, broken capillaries, facial flushing, telanggiectasis, freckles, tattoos and varicose veins. Furthermore, it remedies port wine stains, minor sun damage, flat birthmark, hypopigmentation, large pores and unwanted hair. 

IPL’s no-downtime benefit draws a lot of people to choose this procedure. This means you can go back to work right away after your IPL Therapy. And unlike other forms of dermal procedure, it leaves no burns or blisters on your skin. With this type of cosmetic procedure, you can expect your skin to look younger and fairer than it usually does.

If you have any questions around IPL please call our office.  We're happy to manage your care and questions personally and discretely.

January Special
$150 per session
Number of sessions determined by amount of skin damage.
Most patients find great success with just one session. 

More before & after pictures on our website